Saturday 15 March 2008

The Incredible Hulk - An Incredible Trailer

And the verdict is- KICK ASS!

Now don't get me wrong i thought the original 2003 movie was brilliant. I loved it but can see why people didn't "get" it. It's different for sure but i admire Lee's take on it, it doesn't fit the bill of all the other comic book movie adapations and frankly thats the best thing about it becuase most if not all comic book films suck. I enjoyed it as an engrossing drama, and i loved how the creature itself looked- the movement and mannerisms were awesome, even as a fan of the big guy i thought it was great for a first try and was happy with the end result (despite all the problems they had getting it right).

However just by looking at the trailer for this new one- I can't wait to see it!! It takes a different route for sure (even if is the generic action/adventure comic book one) but still, i dont mind if it's action all the way as the first one was a decent drama- more "Alien". And this one will be "Aliens"! And i also think this movie will make a ton of money too becuase agian last year proved with Transformers that no matter how bad a movie is, you put in a shitload of effects, big explosions and massive things beating the crap out of each other and you have a sure fire blockbuster hit.

Showing what Hulk looks like in the trailer was also the best thing they could have done, i'm glad they didn't keep it a secret becuase at the end of the day, the first movie didn't do very wel and so they had to have a kick-ass trailer to kick-start this new "re-boot" of the franchise. Showing what A-Bomb looks like in the trailer was the best thing they could have done- showing them about to have an epic battle was the icing on the cake. It's just them telling us "look, you didn't like the first movie, fine- here you go- you wanted more action- have it".

However i have been hearing a lot of complaints on the CGI- yes, everyone is bitching about it already despite it being in unfinished trailer form.

I have no idea what they are complaining about to be honest, i think it looks great and has that comic-book feel to it. Personally i think Hulk has never looked better, this is exactly how i envisoned him and what i wanted the first time round. You can now see the muscles, veins, colour, skin texture etc much more clearly and you can easily see that it is much more defined then it's previous CG incarnation. I think he looks great. And freakin' ripped!

Still, everyone wants this ultra-realistic CGI but seem to miss the point that computers just aren't that advanced to give it to us yet. It was only 5 years since the last Hulk, 5 years since Gollum, just a few years since Kong, 2 years since Davy Jones how much more can they get out of software in that short amount of time? We have seen everything before it will take at least another 10 years to see something outstanding agian. To make a fantastic looking CG creature they would need like 5 years alone on rendering, and that just isn't going to happen. It's true, theyr'e not idiots, in several interveiws the director has stated that they tried everything else and CGI was the only way to go. Prosthethics and make-up can only do so much, we we can't have epic battles and pure carnage without a massive CG factor.

CGI is the best way to go for Hulk and people should just deal with it, whether they think it looks fake or not. I mean at the end of the day a big green goliath is going to look unreal, but it's big fun comic book movie after all, suspension of disbelief needs to be there! So we just have to deal with the CG we have here and in all honesty it ain't that bad, i wasnt expecting something unbelievable and neither should anyone else- this is exactly what to expect from a summer blockbuster comic book film and they are giving it to us. Your'e just shooting yourself in the foot if your'e expecting something amazing, so get real becuase there is no way that is going to happen. I'm sure ILM (or whoever are doing the effects for the film) wern't out to make some groundbreaking peice of work, they were just there to make something big, colourful and good enough for the piece, as well as cool for the kids who will obviosly be lapping it up. I think the effects so far do that!

People expecting anything more need to understand they will never get it. If this is what they wanted then they would have spent 10 years perfecting it. Not going to happen. It's buisness first and foremost, then art. I'd expect a super-realistic Hulk if Peter Jackson was doing it, not from a Marvel summer action movie.
This film will be straight-forward action film and as such the CG looks good for what it is supposed to be and what type of movie this is- a freakin' summer action blockbuster comic book movie. Not a long-winded emotional drama like the 2003 film, and right now it is looking great. This new one looks better than the older one and they seem to have adressed all the issues that was wrong with the original. Yet people are now coming up with whole new random flaws and now resorting to going back and claim that the older Hulk was better, despite them probably being the very people who hated the first one and complained about it in the first place and ILM making this new one better becuase it was those people who hated the original CG incarnation!

It's catch-22 and it makes me laugh. I just hope everyone who thinks this new Hulk kicks ass (like me) can ignore the bullshit from those people and go and watch the movie knowing full well that we will enjoy it. I know i will, as much as i loved the first movie i think this one ticks all the right boxes and i'll have a blast. It's good for what it is and does what it's expected to. People expecting some outstanding, groundbreaking achievment in CGI need to get a reality check!

In all honesty the CGI is the last thing i am worried about with the film becuase so far it checks the list and i love it. Now on for plot, characters, acting, etc.

I think the movie looks great even though i liked the first one. Should be entertaining, along with The Dark Knight a must-see comic book movie. Still not too sure about Iron Man though.

Current Rating- 4/5. Love for the green guy.

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