Tuesday 24 August 2010

Review: Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton, 2010)

All visuals, no heart and soul. A wasted premise.

What a fucking peice of shit.

Seriously, it was a complete mess. I don't know what the hell Tim Burton was thinking...it was all over the place, but most annoyingly- it was just so fucking boring! Absolutely nothing happens in it, there's no plot- it's just a series of random sequences joined together rather flimsily because Alice can't remember anything on her return to Wonderland (it's not based on the books, it's just Burton's own thing, acting as a semi-sequel to past events, very reminiscent of Spielberg's Hook from 1992, where a grown up Peter Pan can't remember anything about Neverland), all topped with a generic battle just to finish it off (one we have all seen a thousand times before done better, and one that wasn't needed in an Alice in Wonderland film at all, probably put in to compete with other recent fantasy films).

It's a completly wasted premise, it should have been amazing because the universe is fantastic, but it's all just thrown out the window in favour of visuals and nothing else. The design and costumes are of course stunning, simply outstanding work aesthetically all round but unfortunatly there's no atmosphere to work with it, it's like an empty fashion show, all green screen shallowness. The computer graphics were sadly weak (looked like very dated Dreamworks CG from 2001, think Shrek 1), the acting was completely bland (Mia who played Alice had one expression throughout the whole film and can't act at all, and I don't even know what the hell Depp was doing- it wasn't funny or inspiring, just a mess of a performance which was really sad considering he is normally good at everything he does. Really wrong direction and idea.). Best thing about it was Helena who is pretty good as the Queen of Hearts but's its a repetitive shtick that gets old after the first 5 minutes you see it, she basically does th same thing over and over. Even the music was generic and completely forgettable, it was just a few notes played over and over which sounded exactly like Pirates of the Caribbean, again very disappointing, Elfman failed here. There were also some other very cringe worthy moments where i had to turn away and face-palm hard....gosh, it really was bad.

All in all- it just wasn't entertaining- as a kid's movie it was boring and overlong and as an adult's film it was just bland and predictable. Only the colourful art and 3D saved it...but even then, it was nothing special, it's a glossy CGI extravaganza to cover up all the weaknesses and flaws. There's no magic, no heart, no soul. Burton has turned into George Lucas, and this is the proof.

This is definitely one of Tim's worst movies, I mean Planet of the Apes was bad but at least I enjoyed myself there becuase it was so dumb! Simply put, with all the talents involved, this was a poor film and a really wasted premise. I actually wanted to walk out half way as it was so boring. When it ended I exited the theatre just pissed off; pissed off at how much , though i did like the Avril Lavigne theme song at the end...yeah, when you come out of a movie praising the end credits and Avril Lavigne's song, you know something is very, very wrong.

Started off as an 8/10, then 7, then 6- but the last half and ending was so generic, i think its more than deserving of a 5/10, and that's just for the visuals. The worst thing is i went in with no expectations at all, and even then i was disappointed.

"Meh"- the one word i can describe this film with. A completely underwhelming, forgettable vision. A sad day for all Burton and Lewis Carrol fans.

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