Monday 20 October 2008

Hollywood sticks the knife in agian- a possibility of remaking 80s classic "Predator"

That's it, i've had it with Hollywood! The incompetant idiot chairman of 20th Century Fox says that if Arnie doesn't return for Predator 3 then Fox may plan to remake Predator:

Davis told that he’d decided to let the “Aliens Vs. Predator” franchise rest for a while and was instead developing a third “Predator” remake – one that may bring back Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character ‘Dutch’.

Rothman suggests that if Schwarzenegger doesn’t return as Dutch they could remake the original 1987 film.

If Arnold doesn't return to reprise his role as Dutch then we are in fear of that dreaded rumoured Predator remake finally coming true, supposedly starring John Cena! I'm literally outraged at the absoloute pointless absurdity of this notion.

Remaking Predator is the worst idea in the history of bad movie ideas. The film simply does not need to be remade, it's barely 20 years old and still stands up as a perfect example of an action classic. It's not like it's an old film where this new younger generation has no clue about it, Predator is still as fresh and fun as it always was and i know loads of kids who have seen it and love it, in fact when i went to see it in the cinema last month the theatre was packed with fans both young and old, male and female ranging from ages 16 to 60!

There is absoluotly no reason to re-make the movie for a younger audience when the film is popular enough already and is still as strong as ever in media consiousness. The original is not a "forgotten" movie in any way whatsoever and still holds up today- if they want to make a new movie with a Predator in it then Predator 3 or AVP3 are the most logical choices, why they need to reboot the series is beyond me. Does that also mean they will contemplate remaking Alien becuase it's even older and they think it might not be hip enough for this generation to see? Pathetic!

Fox really need to get a hold of themselves becuase the amount of stupidity that is spraying forth from their idiot studio is staggering and i'm finding it hard to keep it cool when utterly preposterous and insultingly pointless ideas threaten to spit on flawless and classic peices of cinematic history in order for them to potentially kill as well as at the same time make a quick buck out of their now fleeting franchises, which is something that is entirely their fault anyway.

It doesn't even need a franchise "reboot". The Predator movies are a stand-alone series of films anyway which only lightly connect to each other if at all. They can easily make Predator 3 as their brand-new version without having to remake the original in any way. Both Predator 1 and 2 are set years apart so there is no need to remake the original in order to reboot the series. Predator 3 will in effect be rebooting the franchise naturally by itself anyway, so a remake is not needed when the movie is still in the hearts of fans as is the Predator character itself due to it's now largly successful comeback via the Alien vs Predator movies (however unsuccessful they were, they still managed to bring back awareness and kick-start both creature's careers agian).

Iv'e seen utter stupidity and incompetence before but never on a scale like this. I don't seem to understand, 80s classic franchises like Rambo, Die Hard and Rocky have all had contemporary sequels, why do they feel the need to remake Predator when it was a blockbuster in it's own right with the world's most famous actor in it in the first place anyway? Everyone knows Arnie and becuase of that everyone knows Predator, it's not like it was just another generic monster movie from the 80s that has aged so badly it needs to be redone. Predator is still the epitome of 80s action nostalgia. What next? Remaking The Godfather becuase it's old and it's time for a new version? How stupid are these people?

God, some people really do get me angry. Fox well and truly stink of rancid shit.

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