Tuesday 7 October 2008

Review: The Wrong Door (2008)

wow, how original! /sarcasm

Hmm, a new BBC3 comedy show in the vein of the "black" and "surreal". It called my name, i had to check it out- this was right up my alley. So i watch it..and carry on watching...and force myself to carry on watching.... the verdict? A disgrace! Terrible. Honestly, who comes up with this rubbish?

Unoriginal, unwatchable, unfunny, badly written sketches with pathetic badly designed "trying to be cool and funky" CGI animation thats neither smart or clever to try and lure the viewer in thinking it might be some mad surreal comedy- which it clearly isn't. What it is, however, is crap.

The people who came up with this show (the worst kind of pretentiously bland art/film/animation student graduates, i expect) need to be booted from the media industry altogether and never allowed to step foot near it again, as if there isn't enough rubbish on TV to deal with already. The lack of talent showcased in this programme astounds me to the point of sheer annoyance- just random ideas floating around trying too hard to be funny, yet blissfully unaware of it's utter failure and just being a waste of time to everyone that unfortunately bears witness to it.

Fortunatly I've seen funnier sketches on YouTube- with no flashy animation, zero budget and in less than 1/4 of the time. Honestly BBC3, what happened to you? As if Phoo Action wasn't bad enough, you manage to get even worse with this trash?

Do yourselves a favour and avoid, and hopefully it will disappear and we'll forget it ever happened. There are much better sketch shows out there to enjoy, which actually deliver on the premise of the creative, imaginative and surreal. Oh, and they are funny, too.

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