Friday 9 January 2009

10 Reasons why Jurassic Park rocks


The film IS a masterpeice, an action-adventure classic and one of the if not THE greatest dinosaur movie ever made, and there's nothing delusional about the statement whatsoever!! If Star Wars can get into IMDB's top 250 then so can JP and it's blasphemous that it hasn't already. It's impact on popular culture is pretty much the same.

Further to that, I give you my personal reasons on why the film is regarded as a classic and why it's my favourite film of all time:

1)ILM's revoloutionary CGI. They've only dated slightly in the 15 years since the film's release, and that really is something. However some people including myself still think this film still has some of the best showcase of CGI to date, and i would definitly use it as an example of truly photo-realistic computer imagery next to Gollum, Kong and Davy Jones. I put JP's CGI in the top 3 best CGI of all time, if not number 1.

2)Stan Winston Studio's Animatronics- a life size T-Rex which looks, acts and feels realistic, life-size Velociraptors which move and act with grace and realism- everything that Winston provided was sheer excellence, and truly pioneering.

3)John William's score- what can i say? Pure perfection. Two outstanding themes given to us, one of melancholy beauty and the other of heart-thumping adventurous grandeur, not to mention the rest which is a driving force in modern day awe-inspiring action and suspense. Truly flawless, and more than waht we should have got/expected from a film like this.

4)Ultra-realistic dinosaurs- the likes of which we have never seen before, not since the days of Willis O'Brien and Ray Harryhausen had imagery literally wowed audiences in it's epicness. Rather than monsters, we get natural animals how they would have behaved in all their glory. They act, look, sound and feel like nothing we have ever seen before, revolutionary and mind-blowing. Ficticious some may be in their portrayal, but still as close to realism as we are ever going to get. The first time ever the audience were given the information of dinosaurs actually being related to birds, and shown to do so. And agian, for a 15 year old movie they haven't been bettered.

5)Steven Speilberg- Expert directing from one of cinema's greatest visionaries. They couldn't have been a better man for the job (well, maybe James Cameron....!) but still an absoloutly perfect choice for a 90s adventure movie, and the perfect choice for the first Jurassic Park movie, it epitomises everything of the era. Style, grace, and heart-stopping adventure all come under one- no wonder this film was the highest-grossing movie of all time till Cameron's Titanic took the crown.

6)Jeff Goldblum- Perfect cast choice for Ian Malcolm, all his lines are realistically given with his trademark sporadic style, making everything sound natural and unique rather than straightfoward lines spoken off a card. Not to mention his delivery of humour, it makes him one of the most loved and coolest "quirky science guys" in movie history.

7)Massive imprint on popular culture- Velociraptors, Gallimimuses, Dilophosaurus are amongst a few of the dinosaurs which became normal house-hold names thanks to Jurassic Park. Even the word DNA and the concept of cloning became popular after this movie. Other such iconic images such as the vibrating water glass and the assumption of standing still when confronted by a T-Rex are all thanks to the huge success and popularity of the film.

8)Bob Peck- Such a small role as Muldoon but what was soon to become a legendary character. Everyone knows who he is thanks to this movie and everyone remembers him thanks to the film, the movie made a new genertion of people aware of his talent. His presense and portrayal of what should have been a forgetable side-character made him an iconic fan-obessed figure, and his lines in the movie are some of the most quoted by fans of the movie itself. So many people paid their respects to him after his death, and most of those people knew of him primarly due to this film. If that doesn't say iconic, i dont know what does.

9)Huge increased interest in science and paleontology Museum visitiaion records, dinosaur study and books went through the roof after the movie came out in 1993, and has slowly increased over the years since it's debut. The film provided a massive surge of people now interested in the future science of DNA cloning, dinosaur excavation and in-depth study of their evolotuion and relation to birds thanks to this film.

10)Some of the greatest and iconic scenes in cinema history- the first reveal of the Brachiosaur, the T-Rex main road attack, the raptors in the kitchen- these scenes amongst a few have made a huge impact on the world and people will always remember them. Just as the image of ET and Elliot flying across the moon is legendary, so are the scenes in JP along with the logo forever be in the hearts of the movie-loving audience. Thanks i guess must go to Speilberg for weaving his magic on all these films.

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