Saturday 16 May 2009

Family Guy is shit.

Just a quick rant:

People seem to get massive fanboy hard-ons for this crap and it makes no sense to me as I think it's absolutely fucking terrible, and in my honest opinion it's one of the worst attempts at an animated sitcom I've ever seen (and i've seen too many in my time). The early series' however did have some genuinely good episodes and the show itself did show promise but it quickly turned into an unfunny sketch show which uses a random gag sequence to try and be entertaining but just ends up being too dumb for it's own good.

Typical episode:

"Hey, this reminds me of the time/like the time/remember that time when we [insert random pop culture reference/80s film parody/celebrity piss-take/political statement joke/lame attempt at satire]"

repeat for 25 minutes, along with Stewie saying something gay/cussing his mum, taking the piss out of Meg and Chris saying/doing something stupid as mandatory, with the other characters coming in for a trademark catchphrase/sketch. Not funny or clever. Just annoying, stupid and shit, I fucking hate it and I hate it even more when people go on about how good it is and "quoting" the shitty lines which come from it.

Just about every Family Guy episode ever made.

As far as animated sitcoms go, it's definitly of the worst i've ever seen, I mean this show literally tries too hard to be funny and random does not equal funny, it just shows that they have no actual (or original) ideas to convey. Making fun out of celebrities is funny if you know how to do it right, not just a lame parody of one of their shows/films. South Park does this all much, much better, it completely destroys Family Guy and I find myself genuinely laughing out loud at it- it's consistently entertaining and has just gone from strength to strength, I wasn't a big fan of it at first but now it's just superb; funny, ridiculous and very clever, especially with the topics it tackles. And, even though The Simpsons is very weak now and not as good as it used to be, I'll still say that it is better than the rubbish that is Family Guy.

And both The Simpsons and South Park have both humiliated Family Guy at hilarious levels in some really great episodes; so kudos to them at calling out one of the most tedious, annoyingly random for the sake of being random unfunny animated attempts at satire ever. Give it up, Seth McFarlane. Or think of good material....Oh wait, he can't, becuase when Family Guy got cancelled and he tried to think of a new series he came up with American Dad...which was exactly the same as Family Guy, even down to the same lame characters and sketches. And his voices gets tiresome too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fuck you