Sunday 17 May 2009

New trailer for Hisss!

Finally, a trailer is released for what looks like one of the most interesting and unusual horror flicks you're likely to see this year, and it's actually turning out much better than I expected! I'm really looking forward to it as it's really quite different from usual run-of-the-mill horror flicks, this time focusing on a well known Asian mythological legend rather than mindless psycho killers stalking teenagers, remakes or the usual exercise in graphic, mindless and excessive showcase of torture porn, which seems to be the current trend right now with horror films.

Hisss is a contemporary retelling of the age old Indian legends regarding the ichhadhari nagin, snake women of the race of serpent shape shifters from the underworld, as written in the ancient Puranic and Vedic texts of pre-Hindu mythology . Many films have been made throughout India on this subject, and for me the most striking was 1986's hit Nagina, which made a huge impression on me as a child (I'll never forget Sri Devi's snake-dance, with her piercing blue eyes literally creeping the hell out of me as Amrish Puri plays the infamously disturbing yet catchy snake-charmer music now iconic to film). Most of these movies usually dabbled in romance and revenge and though Hisss retains the roots of this popular genre aswell it is now also, for the first time, exploring the legend by creeping into the realm of pure unadulterated fantasy horror...which is right up my street!

The movie revolves around a seedy American who travels to India in search of the truth about the nagas and hopefully capture one, as he believes that hidden within the hood of this mythical creature lies a rare gem of great worth. Once there he manages to find and captures one, and takes it back to the modern world for hus own personal gain and to exploit at his will. Unbeknownst to him of course, the naga's mate soon learns of this and, transforming into a human female, embarks on a journey of revenge as she travels in search of her lost love, killing all that stand in her way, as we find out nothing should becoming between a nagin and their lust for power and love. Written and directed by Jennifer Lynch (daughter of cult film director David Lynch and of the recent Surveillance), it stars the stunning Malika Sherawat as the seductive Nagin snake woman out for revenge as well as Irfan Khan, most recently seen in the multi Oscar award winning Slumdog Millionaire.

Malika Sherawat as a mythological Nagin (Snake Woman)

What makes this movie special is that it is joint Indian and American production- an American director is taking the helm (as chosen by the producers) as well as an American special effects company but the story and production is Indian and it's being filmed in India simultaneously in both Hindi and English (although I must add the movie is not Bollywood so there's no need to worry about song and dance acts! This is a gritty terror/drama whose main priority is to shock and awe with it's beautiful horror imagery). Malika as always looks fantastic in the part but when she becomes the snake-creature it's both horrific and...strangely beautiful (don't ask me why, it just looks so fucking awesome). The make-up effects are by the ever-fantastic Robert Kurtzman, who has worked with visionary directors like Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodrigeuz on classic films such as From Dusk Till Dawn, Army of Darkness, A Nightmare on Elm Street Parts 5 and 7, Evil Dead II and Scream, to name a few from his colourful filmography. His work has been pretty incredible throughout and it looks to be no exception here; his designs for the naga are both revolting, scary and sexy at the same time and the pictures had me pumped when I first saw them as it looks to be a groundbreaking piece of work, especially for an Indian horror film. Seeing them within the movie now is even better as the look and feel is perfect, as is the visual tone of the film- very slimy, sticky, hot and sexual- perfect for this kind of movie and it really shows off the excellent make-up work well.

Hisss is in post-production right now but it'll be out in a few months, a perfect tie-in for a hot, sultry and altogether venomous Indian summer. I can't wait!:

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