Sunday 26 April 2009

Miley Cyrus was hilarious in the Jonathan Ross interview

Seriously, never seen an interview with this chick before but that was one of the most entertaining interviews i've ever seen on that show- she gave Wossy a run for his money and it's usually him that's humorously intimidating. She was on the ball and made no qualms about anything and really livened it up, especially when she got up to teach him to dance. Very funny to watch, she's really confident and as Wossy rightfully said- she'll go far in the buisness.
I thought she was fantastic and really stood her own. Wossy can be very intimidating but even he was surprised at her quick and very funny quips and comebacks. She's got a very contagious and funny sense of humour and attitude and in all honesty she was an absoloute joy to watch.

So much better than that Lady Gaga, who is quite possibly one of the dullest people i've seen and imo was one of the most uncomfortable interviews ever to grace that show. She just came off as mentally unstable and try-hard. And i'm guessing there was nothing in that tea-cup she was constantly "drinking" out of either.

I don't see why people say she's immature in the interview, if anything I thought she was just being funny and it worked becuase the audience and Jonathan were laughing with her. I loved it when she explained how Disney and herself spent ages coming up with the title to the movie. I thought she was naturally confident which was great becuase it made for a cracking interview. I don't see why people are complaining about it so much, all the issues with it seem completly trivial and trife.

I thought Miley was endearing, funny and charming in a very wacky way though when she settled down she also answered the questions normally. I didn't see anything wrong with her, sure she may be a little loud but why is that a problem? She's got a funny bursting-at-the-seams personality which was destined to be manifested as a stage and screen entertainer. I didn't think she was childish and if I had any reason to i'd equate it to the fact that she is still young, so it's expected. She's still young, and whilst she may not be the quiet, reserved type that doesn't make her any less of a normal person. She is entertaining, loud and funny to watch and imo oozes charisma and screen presence- everything which has made her famous. She wouldn't be where she is today if it wasn't for who she really is, and that was her.

I see a lot of negativity towards Miley and from my understanding it looks as though it's simply for the fact that she is young and therefore falls into the "young teen brat" category, which I don't really think is very fair at all. She definitly showed an entertaining and upbeat personality in the interview but I also thought she kept within limits and relegated to sillyness when it called for it; unlike a certain GaGa who actually was more of a brat than Miley and half a dozen of those Super Sweet Sixteen teens put together, even though she's older than them and should know better. Though I think it's also unfair to regard Miley as a "SS16" teen becuase the people on there are truly horrid and utterly detestable, to the point of making me feel ill, and Miley isn't like that (or doesn't seem like that) at all, at least not in my view of what I have seen of her.

I'm not saying that that's how most 16 year olds are but a large proportion of them do have certain characteristics which Miley has, being the typical teen poster girl for her age group. But she's an entertainer at heart and of course I believe she is also slightly guilty of playing up to the camera as many celebs sometimes do. Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato et al are all different people and they all have different personalities but that does not mean that one is better than the other simply becuase one is louder/more overly confident than the other and doesn't adhere to your tastes. In time Miley will quieten down but as of right now she's riding the fame wave and I say let her; she works hard and is good at what she does and no doubt deserves everything she is getting. It's who she is and its that which has made her come this far, if she wasn't herself then she wouldn't be a star and she wouldn't be here.

Of course I had a whole wealth of preconceptions about Miley prior to this becuase all I ever hear is bitching and detest regarding her so when I sat down to watch the show I was expecting the worst, but when I was very surprised that I warmed up to her quite quickly and honestly couldn't understand the hate. If she is notorious at being one of the worst teen celebs out there then I think that is a gross overstatment and complete over-exaggeration; there are far worse out there- far worse. I simply wonder where this hatred and negativity comes from, most likely jealousy or basic irritation no doubt, along with the world's love to hate things just for the sake of it; a sad habit that will sadly never cease. Miley just seems like a funny, wacky girl and I found her a joy to watch.

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