Wednesday 15 April 2009

Review: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (Peter Sollett, 2008)

I was really looking forward to this, but what a complete letdown! Atrocious acting, terrible humour, completely predictable and characters I just wanted to punch for being so damn annoying.

I liked the music though and there was a certain charm to it, but everything else spoilt it. The characters were annoying and completely braindead (Ari Graynor who plays Corina for example is a drunken embarrassment throughout the entire film; ridiculous, slutty and embarrassingly pathetic), Kat Dennings is just irritating as Norah and though I like Micheal Cera, here he's just his usual self again (typecasted), it's like he plays the same role over and over and here he plays Nick which again is pretty much the exact same role all over again- a pathetic and unconfident loser. Alexis Dziena who play's Nick's ex was also just playing to all that character's cliché conventions of a stereotypical jealous bitch. I liked the fact that Nick's band members were gay and not cliché but they were still dumbasses. The comedy was terrible- I'm not a fan of immature gross-out humour but this tried too hard to try and be funny with it, it just came off as unnecessary and predictable and cheapened the movie more. What we should have got was a sweet and charming film, what we got was a misplaced charm in a very tacky and unfunny and frustratingly bad film.

I had to literally force myself to sit and watch it the whole way through and give it a chance but it was just went from good to bad to worse. I guess I wanted another Juno (which I loved) but what I got was another braindead teen comedy masquerading as it. I wish I didn't waste my time over it.

A terrible teen movie and the worst film I have seen so far of 2009.


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